I mean, really, really difficult. I can only estimate what I'm taking a photo of, and I have to always guess the setting and hope I hit the right button for it. I think I'll switch to film from now on, haha. (Except that my film camera doesn't have a light meter or flash and I have no idea how to properly take photos with it! Shame on me.)
Anyway, remember when I was on a vacation and I mentioned the amazing fabric store I stopped into in Taos, New Mexico? I got some beautiful China silk there, and I gushed about the blue. I finally got around to taking a picture of the fabric! I got blue and black to make a skirt, but now I'm not certain that's what I'll be making. Whatever I do make, however, will have french seams and will be perfect.

See??? It's beautiful! I think it looks better in person, but I just love this color. It drapes beautifully, too, and of course it is silky to the touch... it's a bit sheer, though, so I got the black for a second layer. Perhaps a loose-fitting dress? Hm... Any ideas?
In other news, I've been at such a loss for inspiration the last couple of days! I hate it when that happens, especially now when I know I don't have much longer to just sit and sew. Everything I touched seemed to become hideous or a bundle of scraps. It's terribly disheartening. I've been longing to just make something and have it
click--to have that wonderful moment where the design goes from being just an image in your head to a beautiful garment that's even better than you imagined.
It's actually been since I made this hideous skirt (made infamous on twitter) out of all my black scraps. It was supposed to be like my blue scrappy skirt, but I just failed. On so many levels. Pretty much ever since then, with only a couple happy exceptions, I've been messing up, or not following through, or losing motivation. Hm. It's like a curse... perhaps I should get it out of my sewing room! Haha! I kid.
But tonight, thank goodness, I think I got some of my inspiration back! You see, there's this Fiber show thing that I'm hoping to contribute to this summer--June & July--and I currently have nothing to offer! But if these ideas I have pan out, I might just have some awesome, incredibly artsy things to display. (More on that later. Maybe I'll do a whole progression of "progress" pictures for you.)
When all else fails, there's the internet & photos on Flickr to help inspire me. What inspires you?