Friday, October 16, 2009

Where is she??

I've become a bit addicted to blogging recently, as you might have noticed. I love you guys for commenting or even just looking--you make me squee with delight. But I'm in a mad rush of studying for the ACT, getting college applications done & sent, and sudden, new, exciting business & promotional opportunities (! I'll tell you about it when I know more! <3),

...hiding. by you.

And yes, I do think I'm clever, thankyouverymuch. I got the shirt for a dollar & I knew it would make the perfect 'Where's Waldo' costume when paired with these geek glasses. You have been seeing quite a bit of them recently--no, I don't actually wear glasses, but these frames are a fabulous prop!

Wish me luck & hope I don't stress or panic too much! xo.


  1. Good luck! I still need to do that. :-P

  2. You are going to rock the ACT. Don't stress, get lots of sleep, eat a good breakfast, and BREATHE. Believe me, it helps. ;)
    Love you!

  3. Thank you, Hannah & Dana!! I'm doing my best not to stress...and either way, in a week it will all be over! Thank goodness! :)

  4. Good luck on the ACT Addie!


I love hearing from people! Feel free to leave thoughts, questions, etc. Thanks, dolls!