I'm sorry for skipping two days! I only meant to take one day off, but when I went to post yesterday night, the internet was down, so I went to bed instead. But I'm back, darlings, and hopefully will make up for it in the next week... I have a couple surprises plotted! I can't tell you yet, though.

Today was one of those days where I wasn't dressed pretty most of the time. I spent most of the afternoon painting a room in one of our cabins. The walls are log, so it takes foreverrrr. I can't complain about having work, though; really, I'm quite thankful. And working for my mom is definitely not the worst thing ever! I get to listen to my music, she gives me breaks, & is pretty lovely company! Still, I'll be glad when this particular job is over and we can stand back & admire our work.

owl necklace / adriannemae | top / handmade | skirt / thrifted | shoes / modcloth

There was weird light this evening. It'd been a very hazy day with wildfire smoke blowing in (there's currently a fire in Manitoba). Smelling the smoke always makes me a little uneasy, but I'm thankful right now that we've had recent rain and things aren't as dry as they were a couple months ago, despite low lake levels. We've had our share of forest fires in years past, and the destruction is devastating. (You can kind of see in my header... the land off in the distance? There's a reason the shore across the lake never looks particularly lush when I take photos by the water.) Anyway, I always think of the more worrisome times in my life when I smell wildfire smoke, and my thoughts are with anyone misplaced by fires right now in Manitoba.

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