I realized quite recently that I've been home for two months already... & I go back to school in six weeks. Except it's not really "back" since I'm starting all over in a new place, where I don't know anybody. Last semester, I was going to school with my brother, lived a floor above one of my best friends, and already had a "group" and people to spend time with on weekends. I made friends on my floor & with people from my classes as well, but starting out, it was so helpful to have family and dear friends nearby, since everyone in my dorm knew each other already. Some of it was hard at first--cursed shyness!--but for living away from home for the first time, I didn't have it too bad.
Starting over this fall, though, where I honestly don't know
anyone, is daunting. I'm excited for my classes (well, most of them), and to be crazy busy, and to meet people & all... I just don't want to do the hard stuff again. I don't want to eat cafeteria food again, or live in a place where I can't really walk places alone at night (though
this would come in handy if I had to), or learn my way around a new campus.
Oh, listen to me, complaining. I apologize. I truly am looking forward to the fall, & my new roommate seems nice, but I'm just a little jittery. (Bright side! I'll be nearer to the Twin Cities, sort of... um, shopping? Fabric warehouse? Yes, please!)

shirt / thrifted | dress / vintage, recon'd | belt / target | shoes / modcloth

For a while I really disliked how my hair looked in a beehive 'do, but today, with slight cat-eye make up (which I also never was able to pull off before!), it just kind of
worked. So--here's to trying new things!
Have you been trying new things this summer? Do you have changes coming up that are daunting? Do you work well with change? C'mon, spill!)